Radar level transmitter
Brotek indsutries Technical partner of "ATVUK" RADAR LEVEL TARNSMITTER available with 1.6 GHZ/6GHZ/26GHZ/120 GHZ excited frequency, also ATVUK radar gauge available with guidewave and non contact type,
Radar level gauge available with special material of construction like PTFE/PVDF for suite all chemical, acidic. alkaline industries level measurement,
Brotek radar has pulse modulate and frequency modulate type excitation available,
level switch
BROTEK India has all in one, universal, intelligent RF admittance microwave Frequency sweep level switch, microwave field generate
alarm when measuring point inserting few millimeters in to the medium, also its not effect by foam condensate and residue,
by using microwave measuring principle possible to detect a conductive and non conductive medium from: liquid, solid
and solid powder. Output of switch only when measuring point is completely cover by medium, also its measuring point
has no dead end and is hygienic so level switch is suitable for CIP (Clean-in-Place), WIP (Wash-in-Place) and
SIP (Sterilization-in-Place), available with different process connection as per industries requirement, and different
temperature version for set up to 200 deg C
Ultrasonic flow meter
Brotek indsutries full indian authorised dictrubutor of Kupeg Ultrasonic flow meter,
Sonic meter available : handheld battery operated , portable battery operated with printer and sd card, remote or inbuild IP67/EX display flow meter,
ultrasonic flow meter available from minimum 15 mm to maximum 6000 mm line size,
Ultrasonic Level transmitter
Brotek india has two in one level and temperature measurement by ultrasonic transmitter, its also available with HART 4 TO 20, only 4 to 20 mA output,
AVAILABLE WITH three mode : HART with 4 to 20 mA sonic level gauge, economical sonic level gauge, industrial sonic level gauge,
Flow Switch
BROTEK India has all in one, universal, intelligent Thermal flow switch, Its probe with heating element and two
temperature sensor, when no flow both thermal sensor has fix temperature difference, and during flow, flow rate
is directly proportional of temp. difference of thermal sensors, Temperature difference signal measuring and
control by high precision processor and when its reach at fixed set point switching contact change over,
Thermal flow switch is mass flow rate switch so its measure and control liquid, air and gas with same precision,